Seliana Frost

One brings shadow, one brings light


After a near-death experience, Seliana awakens a side of herself she'd kept at bay.

the journey

How will we fare together?

ooc / preferences

If you’re looking for a girl with personality, you’re in luck because I have multiple.


Abandoned at a young age and left to fend for herself, Seliana is adopted by an old fisherman residing in Kugane. Outcasted by society and growing up alone, Seliana befriends the Namazu who relate to her love for fishing. She inherits their mischievous and bubble-headed personality, adopting their sense of humor and stubborn determination. She often comes off as clueless to most people, and her impatience causes her to be spontaneous and unpredictable. Despite all this, she is kind, cheerful, and boasts good intentions. Currently, she works as a fisherman and alternates her work between Kugane and Limsa Lominsa.When caught in a life-threatening situation, Seliana's overprotective and destructive personality come out. It is a persona Seliana had unconsciously made to protect herself, fueled only by her will to survive. She becomes irrational and violently defensive, but does not needlessly kill. Seliana slowly becomes more and more aware of this part of her and decides to join the Maelstrom to force herself into dangerous situations in hopes she can eventually learn to control her dark side.(Click on photo below for a video of Dark Seliana.)

the journey

Seliana has a second personality that acts as her defense mechanism. She is usually comedic, friendly, open-minded, and calm. When faced with danger, her demeanor changes into a violent, sadistic, and emotionless version of herself. Pacifist by nature, she dislikes this side and avoids confrontation as to not provoke it from coming forward. When haunted, she loses control of her body but remains consciously aware of her actions. Seliana blindfolds herself by choice when she needs to fight, as to avoid remembering the faces of people she's killed.Although she avoids combat, she does have a basic foundation of the Arcane Arts. She ultimately joins the Maelstrom to force herself into near-death situations in an attempt to make sense of her dark side.Her dream is to make peace with herself and settle down with a family in the future. She owns a home in Ul'dah and enjoys stealing her neighbor's flowers.


Hello! I'm Seli. I'm a dork that just likes to RP and make videos on YouTube. I hope to make a episodic RP story someday. Other than that, I love making friends and hope to make more. I have been RPing on and off for a number of years now and greatly enjoy writing stories and hanging out with people in character.What I'm looking for:
- Someone who is willing to be playful and patient with her.
- Friendly, spontaneous, similar sense of humor
- Long-term, story-driven plot. I want to explore your character as much as I hope you'd like to explore mine.
- Active and experienced in RP
- Playful relationship between our characters and character development
- Strong communication / good grammar. (I prefer multi-paragraph RP as opposed to one-sentence emotes.)
What I dislike:
- Characters who are too serious and strict on lore.
(I will not RP with voidsents or any supernatural being.)
- Aggressive RP, forced romance
- Slow to type / respond
- Venue hopping (I prefer private, 1-on-1 RP without distractions)
Feel free to message me in-game or on discord.I do not use mare.Please check out my YouTube channel!